Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Rainy Monday
What a f*cking MONDAY, again it's raining, makes me lazy to stand up at my bed as well going to school too... errr.!!! All day long it's raining... I got to use my new violet umbrella.. hahaha... And the afternoon, the class was suspended because of the rain getting heavier...
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Floro S. Crisologo
Floro Crisologo was a Philippine congressman and World War II veteran. He worked for the confirmation of the Tobacco Law and the establishment of the Social Security System.
He was married to Carmeling Crisologo, who used to be a former governor of Ilocos Sur and his son, Vincent "Bingbong Crisologo" is a congressman in Quezon City.
1970 while he was inside the St. Paul’s Cathedral, Congressman Crisologo was shot in the head by a still unidentified gunman.
7:30-8:30 Mass at Panpantok
He was married to Carmeling Crisologo, who used to be a former governor of Ilocos Sur and his son, Vincent "Bingbong Crisologo" is a congressman in Quezon City.
1970 while he was inside the St. Paul’s Cathedral, Congressman Crisologo was shot in the head by a still unidentified gunman.
7:30-8:30 Mass at Panpantok
9:00-10:00 Floral Offering at UNP Plaza
10:30-1:00 Floro S. Crisologo (Memorial Lecture Series)
1:30-2:30 Cleaned and Lunch at Guestel
2:30-5:00 Rest
5:00-8:00 Work for the project Web at Sheng Shop
8:00-8:30 Dinner
8:30-...... Writing SONA

Thats what i done for this day. :) HECTIC.!!!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
A big sacrifice for me, isn't it.? I forgive and try to forget. I know i'll cry but I still give it a try. I hurt but I still continue to love. I'm betrayed but still I hope. And the next BIG hit I'm been left but still waiting. That's how I love my YHABHIE'que so much. Now terribly missing him :'(
Friday, July 27, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Twenty Six..!!! Happy Birthday to me.. :p Hahaha... Well I'ts my Baby Shene five months young. ^_^ And today is the day also when my eldest sister left us. She was five years young when she died from cyst.. :( I miss my first playmate my Ate. Well I still thank God, His been so kind to me that He still allowed me to tried of having a Ate Myrnel before He decided to get her. And thanks God my feeling now is getting better than the previous days.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Vitamins Everyday. Duh.!
You know what I hate.??? taking vitamins everyday... What worst is two vitamins in a day, one for the breakfast and one for lunch. See.?? eRr.!!! Stupid Doctor..!!! If I'm just the only one who will be followed I wont take it. I really do... Because d*Mn.. I'm not that child anymore... What the... I really hate myself for being physically WEAK.. :'(
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Still Sick
OMG..!!! My temperature goes up 38.2. It's getting worst.. :( I hate it.!!! At 10:00AM my mom brought me at Health Center for my check up. Now I'm suffering from flu. hAachuuOo.!!! excuse me. :p I wish I'll be fine now, because I really hate taking medicine. But OK fine,.!! follow the doctor's advice. I just sleep all day all. In evening the good news for me, my temperature goes down 37.1. Milk.! Milk.! Milk.! then medicine, then again time for bed. Good Night.. :)
Monday, July 23, 2012
"Half Day"
I woke up not feeling well, my head is aching but still i entered at the school. As classes going on, I can't concentrate, I feel so cold and my head is aching so much, the things that I see is just like turning around me, my body is in pain and stupid nose it's also joining. I'm sneezing, sneezing, sneezing... err.!! I hate it.!!! Then one of my classmate told me that I'm hot. Yes it is I'm really SICK. I can't take it anymore so I decided to go home already. So whether I like it or not I need to skip may afternoon class. As I arrived home, I lay down on my bed, close my eyes, blanket around my body, there I easily fall asleep.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Rain, Rain
Rain, Rain please pour on me
Rain, Rain please set me free
Rain, Rain don't let the sun shine through
Rain, Rain my heart is now a pit of goo
Rain, Rain blow the ocean breeze
Rain, Rain sway the forest trees.
Rain, Rain don't wash away
Rain, Rain I wish you could stay
Rain, Rain don't let the birds chirp or the children play.
Rain, Rain please stop time today.
Rain, Rain Do you understand my sorrow?
Rain, Rain please be here tomorrow
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Boring Week Ends..!! It is still raining... In the afternoon Ferlyn and I go out together to look for the things needed for our weekly project in Web Development...The weekly Project is about the Advertisement... And the project were going to advertise are the Button Pins and the Personalized Handkerchiefs... I'm so exited for this project... This could be another experience will be treasure, being an IT student can also under go in Business related... ^_^ AWESOME..!!!!
Friday, July 20, 2012
I hate this rain... Early in the morning it sucks... I didn't attend my first period because of this stupid rain.. err.!!!! And in the afternoon, awesome.! class was suspended because of the heavy rain...
It rained and it rained and rained
The average fall was well maintain
And when the tracks were simply bogs
It started Raining cats and dogs...
I got home WET..!!!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
My 18 Roses: Rose An Inspiration

Rose, the sign of love
A scent is everlasting
Always fresh upon the eyes
Keeping a pose of pure divine
Rose, petals are smooth
With a bounty of great beauty
Shows affectionate feelings
Has a unique power
So, sweet and light
Rose, in full bloom, it is radiant
Its whispers passion
Each thorn has a reminder
Rose, is fragile and delicate
My 18 roses last February 26
Is token of GREAT LOVE
An inspiration
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Votation Day
I hate this ink on my pointed finger. But I like the color of it "Violet". Hahaha.. Sunga Lang.!!!
But then I hope that we the ACTS Officers will got the Fifty Percent plus One vote for us to continue leading CCIT for a better college and be the center of leadership excellence...
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I sat on the beach and a beautiful wave
Came tumbling right up to me.
It threw some pink shells on the sand at my feet
Then hurried straight back out to sea.
It ran away swiftly and leaped up in foam;
It bumped other waves in its glee.
I think it was hurrying to gather more shells,
To bring as a present for me.
Monday, July 16, 2012
The Red Card
First Blood for this day.??? the RED CARD from HOPE Commission... Hahaha.. That's what we got from not submitting requirements in time... We hope that we will meet on time all the requirements that they will requiring us again...
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Last Good Bye :(
Rest in peace Dolphy. Thank you very much for the moral lessons that you taught us through your films and tv shows. You are a tough act to follow Sir Dolphy. Thank you very much for being an inspiration to all of us. God bless you always. I know that you are seated at the right hand of God. Our deepest condolence to the Quizon family.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
My Two Best Friend
Today I found a two true friend,
Who knew everything I felt.
They knew my every weakness,
And the problems I've been dealt.
They understood my wonders,
And listened to my dreams.They listened to how I felt about life and love,
And knew what it all means.
And listened to my dreams.They listened to how I felt about life and love,
And knew what it all means.
Not once did they interrupt me,
Or tell me I was wrong.
They understood what I was going through,
And promised they'd stay long.
And promised they'd stay long.
I reached out to this friend
To show them that i care
To pull them close and let them know
How much I need them there.
To show them that i care
To pull them close and let them know
How much I need them there.
I went to hold their hand
To pull them a bit nearer
And realized that this perfect friend I found
Was nothing but my mirror. ^_^
Friday, July 13, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
So tired, haggard, toxic.... My foot is in pain, morning till afternoon we have the campaigned... Room to Room... And it's not that so easy standing in front of different students...
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
See You in Heaven Dolphy
The Philippines “King of Comedy“, Dolphy Quizon, or Rodolfo Vera Quizon Sr., died on Tuesday night, July 10, 2012, local news site ABS-CBN reported that day. He was 83. According to the ABS-CBN report, Dolphy died after a five-year battle with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The illness hinders the flow of air to the lungs, which developed into a toxic metabolic encephalopathy, Dolphy‘s son, Eric Quizon reportedly said. Dolphy‘s role as John Puruntong in the long-running sitcom “John and Marsha” captured every Filipinos heart. He was also popular as Kevin Cosme during the “Home Along Da Riles” days. According to the report, Dolphy had 18 children with six women: Salud, Rodolfo Jr., Freddie, Edgar and Raul with Engracia Dominguez; Mariquita, Carlos, Geraldino and Edwin with Gloria Smith; Ronaldo, Enrico, Madonna and Jeffrey with Baby Smith; Vandolph with actress Alma Moreno; and Zia and adopted daughter Nicole with Zsa Zsa Padilla...
RIP Dolphy... :(
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Open Forum 2012
Afternoon at 1:00 PM open forum held at Gymnation. Were SC, Student Council and AUC, Academic Unit Council presented and together their platform. After presenting. Their is it.! The most favorite part of the program the open forum. Were all students allow to ask question connecting to their proposal. Were the debate of two parties and one independent getting hot and hot by that time. And for you know staying at gymnation is not that so easy, you know Why? It's because, it is so very very very HOT menr..!!! Hahaha... That cause my headache...
Monday, July 9, 2012
It's Monday.!
It's Monday.!!! And word of the day "I love my dick" aha.!! :p Hahaha. Ok got it..!!! From now on everyday Blogging... Promise, kept.??? Let us just see... :p This Monday I take my lunch at already past 2:30... Toxic..??? Nope.!!! I'm just full during Lunch Break.... Hahaha.. Then after my class I immediately go to Mart One to finished my clearance... And Thanks God, at this time I'v already done it... Yepeyy.!!! I'm already CLEARED...
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Sunday Blessing
Sunday: I file my clearance at Mart One. After that I and Karen (my co-worker) got dinner at McDo...
Tita Jenny gave birth to her first Baby Princess @ exactly 10 pm this night...
My Love is like an endless chapter: with every turn of a page it grows deeper, deeper and deeper... ^_^
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Governor: Erwin Guzman
Vice Governor: Alfie Rapisura
Secretary: Veronica Astom
Treasurer: Myrnalyn Manuel
Auditor: Pauline Princes Farrales
Business Manager: Exra Garcia
PRO: Jermelle
1st Year Rep:
2nd Year Rep: Ferrino GEm Madriaga
3rd Year Rep: Ammiel Dawne Alquetra
4th Year Rep: Gerwin Anicas
Friday, July 6, 2012
i have a crush.. :p hahaha
"Secret Crush"
I once had a secret crush
My friends say it must be lust
This man is so kind
He will really blow my mind
Maybe one day, the feelings will be free
I don't really want to push it
But I feel I will mess up
If I tell my secret crush...
"Secret Crush"
I once had a secret crush
My friends say it must be lust
This man is so kind
He will really blow my mind
Maybe one day, the feelings will be free
I don't really want to push it
But I feel I will mess up
If I tell my secret crush...
I'm with him this day. Hahaha... He accompany me at Mart One to pass my DTR...
Thursday, July 5, 2012
BYE Mart One :'(
My Mart One Family:
As i leave to pursue my new career venture. I want to take the time to Thank You for your expert and the skills and abilities during my employment. Working under Mart One, under their capable supervision has been a memorable experience. Being part of this company has given me many pleasant memories to cherish as i move into a new season of my life. I have enjoyed my time here. All be it shortened. I will miss you all. Time has come to say Good Bye to everyone but i rather say "see you again". And until we meet again. See you around and keep do smiling at me. I will never forget Mart One and nearly I hope Mart One wont forget me too. May God hold you all in the hallow of his hand. Good Day. God Bless.
Lovingly Mhyrzz@Expression
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Proclamation of SC and AUC at Auditorium therefore I didn't attend my class this afternoon anymore but were excuse... :)
Dear crush:
Sa isang sulyap
Puso'y nabihag
Ito'y di pinangarap
Pero kupidoy sadyang mahagilap
Puso'y pinana
Tumibok bigla
Sa banat niyang sinasambit
Luma man
May ngiti parin
Ngunit siyang problema
May iniibig na iba... :p
Proclamation of SC and AUC at Auditorium therefore I didn't attend my class this afternoon anymore but were excuse... :)
Dear crush:
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
This day is the last compilation for the candidacy of the Student Council and Academic Unit Council. And this day we don't have a class because our Instructors having their meeting. But then I still go home late, for the sake of the compilation. Were happy with all my companion who will run that we done everything to be done by that time. Then a Luck for us, for coming election... :)
Monday, July 2, 2012
i Like :)
This photo edited by someone who admired...??CHIBI means a Japanese slang word meaning "diminutive person" "short person" or "small child". It can be translated as "little" but rather CUTE, :p The word Chibi is quite popular in anime world "tiny anime"... That's the way he call me somehow it so insulting but it's so sweet... Hahaha... :)
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