Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"Learnings And Experiences "

I learned from the computer is how to blog and by registering a yahoo mail, this blog is a very important in my daily life, because i learned how to blog my experiences, the happenings and events that i done in my whole day, and by blogging the people who were in public, in a high position, and a private personality. This learning or discoveries has a sentimental to my platforms in life, I personally value it as i value the learning or discoveries that i learn to my mentor especially to the most important person that teach me, guide me, and gave me a knowledge which means i have to develop, enhance, and explore it by means of hardworking, determination and a good purpose which i have to keep and value it. This are the learning or discoveries that i learned and motivate myself from the first quarter of our class.
The challenges or major problems that i encountered is joining the yahoo mail but perhaps! the password has invalid or error. I felt so frustrated when this happened to me. How should i solve it?
Simply! by immediately change my yahoo mail and the reason why? why i immediately solve this problem because of the support and help with my classmate and especially to my mentor.
How should i prove this by asking for support and help with the people who behind me, and for always stay besides me through the conflict, struggle, challenges, and difficulties in my daily life.


  1. How interesting your post is, just improve more on your words and try to broaden your usage of words and grammar elements to 'catch an eye' among your readers...and soon to de readers...

  2. si josh sana kokomentan ko pero d pwede ungf sa kanya!!1kaya kaw nalang naisip ko!!! nice post and blog account!!!!!

  3. nice post girl.. make more effort in improving your grammar and the words being used in your post.. =)

  4. hello nice post..i enjoy reading it
    post more blog...

  5. nice blog! try to improve your grammar and also try to use unfamiliar words.

  6. ..........ang haba...galing mo brad, keep it up+

  7. () ()
    (> <)

    nice post!!!!!!!!!

    keEP it!!!

  8. fren,,,,,check your grammar and improve your vocabulary...but still it is a nice one,,

  9. hi...
    :) how's lyf my dear besfren..?
    u hve a nyc post
    and tnkz 4 da coments
    kip xafe....
