Thursday, July 5, 2012

BYE Mart One :'(

My Farewell Message

My Mart One Family:

As i leave to pursue my new career venture. I want to take the time to Thank You for your expert and the skills and abilities during my employment. Working under Mart One, under their capable supervision has been a memorable experience.  Being part of this company has given me many pleasant memories to cherish as i move into a new season of my life. I have enjoyed my time here. All be it shortened. I will miss you all. Time has come to say Good Bye to everyone but i rather say "see you again". And until we meet again. See you around and keep do smiling at me. I will never forget Mart One and  nearly I hope Mart One wont forget me too. May God hold you all in the hallow of his hand. Good Day. God Bless.

Lovingly Mhyrzz@Expression

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